1)The boy saw how unconfortable and tight that people were in the train ande remainds him to the school were teachers wash out their minds and make all of them equals.In both cases the film wants to show how the boy feels that the society takes out the freedom from people and the case of the train and his dreams are some examples, like the part of the war it is also an example of this.
2)In my opinion in this part of the story the boy wake up from his fantasy knowing that his dream will never happen and that he is the only kid that realize what the scociety and school is doing to them, the film shows how the other syudents laught when the teacher treats bad the boy that shows how they ar all equel and make the teachers fell they are the leaders.
3)The movie portrays a violent,and hard esducation were there are the leaders(the teachers) and like the song said the students that each of them are only a brik to build a big wall, showing they are all equal.
5)I think education is the best area where adults and powerful people could inculcate and wash out the main of the kids only by the reason that kids are little and they do not have knoledge so they took what teachers says as the only truth.In my opinion education helps kids if teachers shows their opinion but tell students there are many other opinions and that they could research and make their own conclution. "we dont need no education" this part of the song reflects kids do not need that kind of education that is the onlyone they know. Apart from all that I think that school education is not the inly one and netheir the most important, I beleiv the education received by your parents in the house is the most impirtant for your life, cause the other education makes you more intelligent but not a better person.(that is the education argentina needs)
6)Education is the main way of "thoughts control" becouse of what I say in the last point, as kids do not have any kind of knoledge they took what adults and teachers said as the only truth.Furthermore, if teachers knows how to explain and do not involucrate their thoughts and ideas, education could be a good source to improve society.
7)The children falling into the mit grinder is a visual methaphor that shows how for education kids were all equals, only a little brick that all together creates a big wall. This shows the wash out of minds the teachers makes to the kids to be all equals.
4) Like education, the religion in the church or the squeare (or parq) are others institutions were the film also shows there are wash out of minds in the society.
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